What if Building Skins could breathe? Nature inspired Passive cooling envelopes

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What is shading and how does it contribute to thermal comfort?

Concrete Jungles are replacing actual Jungles, and not in a good way. Have you ever wondered why trees are important, especially in Cities?

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Video Series
What is thermal comfort?

Defining 'Thermal Comfort' is the #1 task for all cooling devices.

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Video Series
Why use terracotta?

Being Down to Earth has it perks. What is it about Terracotta that makes it so Cool?

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Video Series
How were traditional homes designed according to climate differences?

"Jaisa Desh Waisa Bhes" (i.e. As is the country, so is the clothing). Why were the Havelis of Rajasthan so different from the buildings in the Himachal? More importantly, why do all buildings look the same now? Is it good for us?

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